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Writer's pictureGeorgie | OYW

New Year, New You vs. New Year, Same Perfect You!

Happy New Year Beauties! I hope you have all had a great and are ready for all the magic 2021 will bring.

Every year we see people setting resolutions around this time and each year I tend not to join in on this annual custom, where at the moment the clock strikes midnight on the 1st January, suddenly I believe (hope) I’m going to transform into a new person, with more dedication, discipline and motivation to see these ones through. Because in all honesty, I know from my experience my mind does not work like that. So why waste my time and energy taking the wrong approach?

We hear this saying around January ‘New Year, New You’ being thrown about and quite frankly, I call bullsh*t on the whole thing because you are still the same wonderful and beautiful self you were before that difference of a second in time saying we are in a new year, so everything will be different.

If you are someone who loves setting goals and creating new habits around this time, then that’s great, go for it! And I would love to hear where you are planning on taking yourself this year! But for those of you who do not have the motivation or inclination to want to pursue new goals, create new resolutions or habits, then I hear you. Whichever side you are pulled to, honour that and allow yourself to be with what that means for you.

And remember to BREATHE! **Time for a DEEP inhale and BIG sigh out!**

A little reminder that we are currently in the thick of winter, the time for hibernation and our natural body clocks which move with the seasonal cycles states that now is the time to rest, to hunker down. So if your energy levels are low and you do not have the motivation for much, especially with the news of the current lockdown, do not feel bad in any way if your body is not ready to step into that uber productive space that you see others coming into. We see nature waiting for Spring to bloom and flourish and to see our energy beginning to rise once again. So give yourself that time to rest too!

In our society there is a great sense of lack. Lack around our looks, relationships, life achievements and general self worth. And it has created a culture of judgement towards ourselves and others, where we are constantly striving for these unachievable ideals to live up to. This idea that in the new year we will create a whole new version of ourselves sends us the message that what and who we were before was lacking and not enough. That we need to always be doing more to be seen as being successful, by ourselves and those we are surrounded by.

If we were to strip away our titles, names, jobs, responsibilities, we would find that we are all the same. We are made up of the same bones, cells, muscles and all of that is worthy of all the love and respect we deserve.

I am writing here today to let you know that it is ok to not want to set goals or resolutions yet, that maybe right now is that time to pause and turn inwards to our yin energy. You do not have anything to prove to anyone. I am here to support those moments and also to help develop anyone who would like to pursue more in their lives.

And if in 2021 there is one thing I can share with you through my teachings and content is that you are worthy of all the love and respect in this world, exactly as you are. Set an intention of sharing more love, grace and kindness to yourself and those you meet around you and see what you achieve this year in other areas of your life, rather than ticking off to do lists of waking up and certain times, exercising ‘X’ amount of times a week, losing so many kilos. Invite more light, love and gratitude and see how your year transforms.

From my heart to yours, I see you, I love you, I cherish you. ♡♡♡


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